Slavery never ended
It just extended

The unseen truth

Modern slavery is woven into the everyday fabric of our society.

It’s in the phones we use, the clothes we wear, the food we consume, and so much more.

It exists all around us, but it’s just unseen.

The facts

There is nothing modern about slavery, but we refer to it as ‘modern’ as it has evolved and taken on many forms. It encompasses human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage, child soldiers, organ trafficking, as well as slavery and slavery like practices including forced marriage. Right now there are millions of people in slavery, across nearly every country in the World.

49.6 million

Are estimated to be living in modern slavery today*.


Are women and girls

1 in 4

Are children

*International Labour Organization, Global Estimates of Modern Slavery more recent study, 2021

Top products

Some of the products most at risk of having modern slavery in their supply chain include:

Laptops, computers & mobile phones ($200.1b USD)

Garments ($127.7b USD)

Fish ($12.9b USD)

Cocoa ($3.6b USD)

Sugarcane ($2.1b USD)

*Walk Free Foundation - Products imported into G20 Countries

Our impact partner: IJM

xPropelr is grateful to be partnering with International Justice Mission (IJM), the largest anti-slavery organisation on the planet.

IJM partners with local authorities in 24 program offices in 14 countries including: Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Romania, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Myanmar, Malaysia, and South Asia. 

“We are truly excited to partner with xPropelr, because we believe that it takes something creatively unique to bring attention and light to a very dark issue that continues to remain in the shadows.”

Christian Koelbach


How IJM is helping to eliminate modern slavery globally


Identifying people trapped in slavery, partnering with local authorities to conduct rescue operations.


Creating individualised aftercare programs to help restore survivors to wellness. 


Advocating for police reports to be filed against owners or traffickers, and supporting prosecution of slave owners.


Providing hands-on mentoring for law enforcement, government officials and partner organisations and advocating for the improvement of justice systems.